Lourdes-A-Palooza and Reverse Raffle Saturday, February 15, 2025 6:30pm - 11:30pm in Our Lady of Lourdes School Gymnasium Reverse Raffle tickets can be purchased by clicking the button below: REVERSE RAFFLE 2025
Printed order forms (with payment) can be dropped off the FMHE Central Parish Office or mailed to:
Attn: Lourdes-A-Palooza
3442 Lumardo Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45238-2080
Sales for Our Lady of Lourdes 12th REVERSE RAFFLE have officially begun! In conjunction with our upcoming “Lourdes-A-Palooza”, we will be awarding a Grand Prize of up to $20,000*. See below for additional information:
EARLY BIRD drawings of $250 on January 17th and $500 on February 7th. The first ticket drawn during the event will receive $250. Also, to keep it interesting during the drawings the night of the event, we will be awarding prizes of $100 for every 25th ticket drawn; and $200 for every 100th ticket! You do not need to be present to win the early bird or grand prize.
Second chance drawing. All tickets, once called, will be moved to the “Biggest Loser” raffle drawing where we will draw a $500 winner. You must be present to win the “Biggest Loser” raffle. **A maximum of 500 tickets will be sold for this raffle at $100 per ticket. You can purchase your ticket(s) or a shared ticket via our website using a credit card, or, by mailing in the form below with your check.
Please make your purchase as soon as possible so that you have a chance for the Early Bird prizes. Note that the Early Bird winning tickets will remain eligible for the Grand Prize and interval drawings as mentioned above. Based on a minimum of 440 tickets sold. If fewer than 440 tickets are sold, the Grand prize will be ½ of the Net Proceeds received. Winner need not be present to win.